Whatever ( English)

Im free to post whatever I... Whatever i choose I can post all the songs if i want...well i'm going to post some Oasis songs like Whatever (Oh, Yeah i love Hiperlinks),
It spent a total of 50 weeks in the UK Singles chart, more than any Oasis single to date and it was released as a contender for the coveted position of Crhistmas '94. It is a testament to Noel Gallagher's all-conquering self confidence that he should predict "Whatever"'s success before he was even given a record contract, saying "In the beginning, there was a masterplan, to the extent that I knew that 'Whatever,' one of the first songs I ever wrote, would be a Christmas Top Five hit, but I think anyone who heard the song could have told you that."
Yes, whatever he do is allright... and what's about the song Morning Glory? Do you need a little time to wake up before hear this song... Did You know that morning glory is a flower from Japan? O.o
Gallagher claims that he was drunk while writing it, and parts of the song were inspired by walking while listening to a walkman("walking to the sound of my favourite tune") and using cocaine-- ("all your dreams are made/when you're chained to the mirror and the razor blade"), since razors are often used to cut cocaine into lines on a mirror, from which they are then snorted. It has been suggested that the song is about dorg adiction in general.
And whats the matter? He was drunk, whatever its allright! Do you have ever hear Roll With it? Take your time and come again before read more...
"Roll With It" received a great deal of attention when Food Records, the label of chief Britpop rivals Blur, moved the original release date of single "Country House" to clash with it, sparking what came to be known as "The Battle of Britpop". The British Media had already reported an intense rivalry between the two bands and this clash of releases was seen as a battle for the number one spot...
Okey, that was rock not pop... i hate wikipedia don't you?
Ajam , Supersonic, yeah a really good song played acustic too listen to the link!
In spite of its popularity, Gallagher claims the song is basically a collection of nonsense lyrics written in a matter of minutes, just before the band entered the recording studios to record the track. The identity of the character "Elsa" caused some confusion — according to the song She done it with a doctor/On a helicopter/she sniffin' in a tissue/Sellin' the Big Issue. Noel claims, "Someone told me "Supersonic" was about teenage prostitution. Shit!". It has since been revealed that Elsa was a nine-stone rootwaile/s "she's into Alka Seltzer". It was written and recorded at The Pink Museum in Liverpool with a flatulence problem who was in the studio on the day the song was written, hence the line "

Some info extrated from http://en.Wikipedia.org the other was written by us!! Thanks for visit our webpage!
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